Even if you are vigilant in avoiding substances that can stain teeth, discoloration is natural with age. You can get a smile that is eight shades whiter in just one appointment with Prairie Dental Group’s professional teeth whitening. Call us to schedule your appointment.
Prairie Dental Group offers a wide range of services for any of your dental needs. Are you looking for a straighter smile? Our office offers Invisalign® – a clear aligner therapy that will straighten your teeth. Contact our office to schedule your Invisalign consultation.
To prevent and treat gum disease, regular cleanings and exams are just as important as brushing and flossing. If you’ve noticed any of the three early signs of gum disease in our blog, please contact our Eden Prairie office today!
If you think you might need a dental extraction, contact our office to schedule an appointment. We’ll do a thorough examination of your teeth and let you know the best options for you.
If you’re considering dentures, Prairie Dental Group provides state-of-the-art custom dentures. We’ll walk you through all of your denture options and ensure that you get a smile you love. Contact us to book your denture consultation!
Have you recently been informed that you need a ton of dental work? Are you feeling unsure or nervous about your first diagnosis? Our team at Prairie Dental Group is ready to exam your smile and provide an honest and competent second opinion. We care about your oral health.
Things are different right now, but we remain committed to your health and safety. Your dental health is still important, so if you’re due for a checkup or another treatment at our Eden Prairie office, please make an appointment.
Check out our blog for tips to help your child have superb oral health. Schedule your child’s checkup and cleaning at Prairie Dental Group–contact us today!